The Playbook 2014 Football Interviews

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the 2014 Football season. Check back daily for new articles, tips and trends.
Alex Smart

Alex Smart Experts Interview: 2014 Football Season
Posted: 2014-07-15

Playbook: Which NFL team(s) do you see as potential overachievers for the 2014 season? 

Expert Alex Smart: The Chicago Bears - Minus the weird losses, this Bears team was one of the most dangerous in all of the NFL. With just a little luck the Bears will claw back in a big way and levae their marks on the minds of the public from the get fo this season. 

PB: Which NFL team(s) do you see as potential underachievers for the 2014 season? 

AS: Denver Broncos - Public lovefest will end as will the love for an aging hobbled future hall of fame QB. 

PB: Which NFL team best figures to go 'over' its projected win-total for 2014? 

AS:  Chicago Bears - Defense, Defense and more defense. 

PB: Which NFL team best figures to go 'under' its projected win-total for 2014? 

AS: Detroit. Still a long way to go to much expected of them. 

PB: Which college football team(s) do you see as potential overachievers for the 2014 season? 

AS: Alabama Crimson Tide - Never under estimate Nick Saban coached team. 

PB: Which college football team(s) do you see as potential underachievers for the 2014 season? 

AS: Stanford - Still a fine team, but lost key starters on the line. Just one starter returns. This version of the Cardinal will need time to mature. 

PB: Which college football team best figures to go 'over' its projected win-total for 2014? 

AS: LA Lafayette -Mark Hudspeth is building a nice program and very very underestimated. 

PB: Which college football team best figures to go 'under' its projected win-total for 2014? 

AS: Oklahoma State -They return only four starters to each side of the line of scrimmage 

PB: How would you best describe your handicapping style? 

AS: Aways excercise Extreme patience. Many sports investment bankrolls/ careers have been destroyed with irrational exuberence. 

PB: What is the one rule should you never violate when it comes to handicapping football games?

AS: Never, and I mean never over evaluate a teams precieved superiority vs the line based soley on what the media hypes on any given week.