Playbook Publications

2019 Playbook Football Black Book Insider's Reference Guide

  • Marc LawrenceLearn inside tips and winning theories that only the pros know. Contains 10 All New 'BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW' Super Systems from Marc Lawrence's personal library, plus all-new 100% trends and key Game Number results on every weekly college and pro match-up throughout the entire season. Also contains 72 situational results (home, away, favorite, dog, off a win, off a loss, with revenge, vs. revenge, etc.) on every College and NFL team since 1990. Mailed Price $ 36.95 

    The 110-page Football BLACK BOOK is most sought after 'Insider's Guide' to football handicapping in the land. A true insider's handicapping reference book!
      >> Buy Now

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  • 2019 Playbook Professional Football Handicapper's
    Stat and Log Book

    Marc Lawrence

    This 400-page information source is complete with stats and logs, 10 years of scores and head-to-head match-up results and weekly work schedules on every college and pro team. Features two full pages on every team, including complete 10-year history records versus every opponent, 10-year situational records for every team, 10-year game-by-game chronology results of every team plus much, much more. It's the top selling football reference stat book used by the pros, designed for the true handicapper! It's Marc Lawrence's Handicapper's Bible and it should be yours, too. Mailed Price $ 50.00 >> Buy Now

    CLICK HERE for sample pages