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PLAYBOOK Annual Limited Firecracker Special

Available 07/31/2024

It only happens once a year and it’s here - the annnual PLAYBOOK Firecracker Special - at a $250 savings! You get the 2024 PLAYBOOK Football and Midweek Alert weekly newsletters, the 2024 PLAYBOOK football Preview Guide magazines (print & PDF versions), the 2024 PLAYBOOK College Bowl Guide, the 2024 PLAYBOOK Black Book in a PDF format, Marc’s Perfect System Club, and Marc’s daily Coffee Club e-letter - all thru the Super Bowl - all for only $299 complete. That’s a saving of over $250 - for a limited time only. This offer is good today thru Monday, July 8. Click here to register or call 800.752-9266 for instant service.

Available: 2024-07-31 22:56:12
Price $ 299.00

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