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2024 Wise Guys Report
Available 09/05/2024

It's back! The 36th WISE GUYS CONTEST is back for the 2024 football season. Each week you receive a report detailing each of the DOUBLE and SINGLE plays submitted by every contestant in the Wise Guys Contest. This is where the smart money plays are every week throughout the season. Follow the hot hands as they complete for as much as $10,000 in the winners-take-all handicapping selections on College Football and NFL sides, as well as Over/Under total selections on both sports as well. The contest starts the first week of the NFL season and runs thru the final week of the NFL regular season. Cost is only $69 for the full report, available every WEDNESDAY after 6:00 PM ET. Click here to sign up now or call 954.377.8000 for customer assistance.

Available: 2024-09-05 10:39:13
Price $ 69.00

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