Today's Consensus Picks

About PBXperts

PBXperts Consensus Report isolates the Winning selections that are FREE of Conflict. Meaning the PBXperts that align on a side or total are revealed and Guaranteed to Win. Also, the additional selections posted that contain opposition are included and charged accordingly. If the Consensus selection(s) fail... that portion of the sale is Replenished into your treasury. Prices are tallied by the Pre-paid amounts @ 25% off the Retail Value. Selections available approximately 1-hour prior to the first event.

PBXperts Daily Rundown gathers all the selections posted for a particular sport and tallies the number of PBXperts aligning on each contest. You will gain insight as to how many PBXperts are on one side and/ or total and the overall makeup of the schedule. Learn the Games with Conflict Free edges or when the PBXperts are evenly matched up. $99 1-time fee for all the selections available approximately 1-hour prior to the first event.


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